Brain Balance Music Listening Instructions for optimal results!

DIRECTIONS FOR USE/ Right brain stimulation music: You should listen to the music three to five times a day for at least ten-minute sessions. An mp3 player or cd player should be used with one earpiece taken out or removed. In this instance, you will listen to the music in the ear opposite the side of the brain hemisphere that we wish to stimulate i.e. music in the left ear for the right brain etc. If a player with headphones is not used and instead music is played through speakers, an earplug can be used in the ear that is on the same side of the brain as we wish to stimulate. For example, to stimulate the right hemisphere, place the earplug in the right ear. With the earplug in place, music can be played in the background. In this instance, the music should be kept on for at least 15 minutes. If you cannot tolerate either a player or an earplug, simply play the music in the background at the same volume level for 15 minute intervals. Since Brain Balance Music is specifically designed to stimulate either the right or left brain, it will still have a specific stimulating effect without the isolation of one ear from listening. 

DIRECTIONS FOR USE/ Left brain stimulation music: You should listen to the music three to five times a day for at least ten-minute sessions. An mp3 player or cd player should be used with one earpiece taken out or removed. In this instance, you will listen to the music in the ear opposite the side of the brain hemisphere that we wish to stimulate i.e. music in the right ear for the left brain etc. 

If a player with headphones is not used and instead music is played through speakers, an earplug can be used in the ear that is on the same side of the brain as we wish to stimulate. For example, to stimulate the left hemisphere, place the earplug in the left ear. With the earplug in place, music can be played in the background. In this instance, the music should be kept on for at least 15 minutes. If you cannot tolerate either a player or an earplug, simply play the music in the background at the same volume level for 15 minute intervals. Since Brain Balance Music is specifically designed to stimulate either the right or left brain, it will still have a specific stimulating effect without the isolation of one ear from listening.